July 10, 2023

Why seek the help of education counsellors to plan your overseas study?

by Arunachalam

Why seek the help of education counsellors to plan your overseas study?

In this era of social media and internet technology, obtaining information is as simple as clicking a button whenever you want to. No matter where you are, you can conduct research on the top universities in Australia, the UK, or New Zealand's international student community.

Many students will have largely determined the colleges and courses they wish to attend after doing their research. The majority of the time, they are prepared to apply directly to the institution of their choice. Thus, is it still beneficial for applicants to work with an education consultant on their applications? Why do we still require the services of an educational consultant?

In this blog we will study the reasons why you need the assistance of an education consultant when you are planning to study abroad.

Preference of the university

Education consultants are knowledgeable about the programmes offered by the universities and universities they are authorised to represent. Nearly every university prefers that students contact an education consultant. Imagine having a large number of students who want to ask about admission requirements and other specifics; we bet it would take a while for the university staff to respond. In actuality, rather than interacting directly with the students, the duty of the university faculty is typically to support the education consultancy. And if you apply directly to the university, you'll have to take care of everything on your own, including delivering the proper documentation, locating financial aid and housing, procuring your own insurance, and obtaining a student visa.

Hence, the list keeps going. Are you sure you don't require assistance?

Professional Direction

Although you can find ideas and options online or from your peers, neither of these sources has the expertise or resources to help you make the right decision. Education consultants are professionals in this sector, and they have the expertise, resources, and experience to ensure that you choose the finest universities and courses that are in line with your interests and personal circumstances. Your alternatives will be reduced, which will make it simpler for you to choose the best college for your needs. If you are unable to attend the institution of your choice, they will be able to advise you on alternate options, that will still allow you to finish your degree in the same amount of time.

Unprejudiced and wide-ranging recommendation

A large number of universities are often represented by education consultants. They will be able to suggest the institutions that best suit you after comprehending your requirements. When compared to speaking with a university representative, this is a significant advantage. University representatives are only allowed to speak positively about their own institutions; they cannot provide you advice on other institutions or other issues, such as student visas, etc.

You stand to gain from their knowledge and experience

Several education advisors may have been themselves international students in addition to being experts in advising the best universities and courses for you. They are aware of the difficulties and the kind of support that foreign students need when preparing to study abroad. Education consultants can share their experiences with you and provide you with advice on how to survive abroad as well as the dos and don'ts. A competent education counsellor can make sure that you are eagerly anticipating your upcoming study experience.

Tension free experience

Organising and compiling documents can be difficult and occasionally perplexing. Education consultants can be useful in this situation. They can arrange your application and accompanying documents so that they are complete and ready for a decision, preventing delays and raising the likelihood of a favourable conclusion.

You next receive assistance in finding an appropriate and reasonably priced place to stay. The arrangements for your health check-up, student visa, and biometric data collection will all be handled for you, so no need to fret about them!


In most nations, education is not free and is frequently highly expensive. When it comes to the most recent offers, available scholarships, and the qualifying requirements in the institutes they represent, counsellors are always the most up to date. Even though the amount may vary, it will undoubtedly ease financial difficulties. And certainly, they help you look for the best available accommodation scholarships abroad.

About MWT Education Consultancy

From two decades MWT Education Consultancy has been helping thousands of students in fulfilling their dreams of studying abroad and landing in a lucrative international career. As a prominent international educational consultancy in India, we offer world-class consultation and education services in fields of nursing, healthcare including a host of other top globally recognised programs in non-healthcare sector.

We help aspirants to gain admission into various universities in Australia, UK, Ireland, New Zealand, Canada, UAE and Singapore. Moreover, we also assist eligible candidates to obtain scholarships.

Our comprehensive services are inclusive of course counselling, paperwork for university admissions, scholarship assessment as well as visa services.

So, if you need assistance in seeking admission into various universities abroad, you know where to go!


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