June 27, 2023

How to take your online classes and work on assignments efficiently?

by Arunachalam

How to take your online classes and work on assignments efficiently?

Don't worry, we've all been there! The switch to online classes can be a big adjustment, and it's completely normal to feel anxious about it. Some of us are total pros at virtual learning, while others are still struggling to get the hang of it. And let's be real, most of us still prefer in-person classes over screens. But no matter where you stand, we've got your back.

In this blog, we're sharing some tips and tricks to help make the transition to online learning a bit smoother. Read on to know more!

Create a productive learning environment

If you want to be productive, working on assignments while slouching and streaming videos is not a good idea. You should create an environment that is appropriate for online learning and choose a place in your homes that is free of frequent distractions. Carve out a dedicated space with a comfortable, ergonomically designed chair and table.

Take short breaks in between

It’s crucial to study intelligently when we have to. Timing yourself will help you stay focused and prevent burnout. After every two hours of study, you can take a five-minute break. As a result, you won't feel like you've burned out and your ability to absorb information will be improved.

Engage in virtual interactions with your peers

It is obviously impossible to study with a group of classmates in the library or just get immediate clarifications from classmates during your online classes. However, you can keep that sense of collaboration and community by creating virtual connections using tools like GroupMe or Microsoft Teams.

Set smaller goals

It is best to make a plan and establish little goals if you are working on a large assignment that weights a lot. Because you are working toward a predetermined objective and have a deadline to meet, this can help you be more productive. You won't be intimidated by the size of any task once you finish each mini objective, allowing you to accomplish your final goal.

Discover new ways to remain motivated

Even though you may take many steps to establish a routine and maintain productivity, sometimes a lack of desire may set in that could make it a challenge to complete the task at hand. Online classes essentially imply that you are learning independently of other students. Many motivational problems are brought on by the sense of physical and mental isolation from your friends and even your professors. So always be positive and stay motivated to achieve success in your online classes.

Concentrate on your lecture

It's imperative to put the phone away from areas where you can readily use it if you want to avoid interruptions while listening to or viewing the lecture. It's also a good idea to jot down the key points the professor makes in your notes while they are being said.

You can choose to type it using a computer programme or the more conventional pen and paper way. Whether or not it is included in the lecture notes previously, it won't hurt you to take notes anyhow. You will better recall the material if you write it down, and you can readily refer to it while you are getting ready for tests.

Decrease snacking

Most students like to nibble while working on projects or watching lectures during online classes. Snacks, particularly chips, and cookies, include a lot of carbs, which is not ideal because it might make you feel full and tired. As a result, snacking can diminish your memory ability. Your energy levels would drop, and your productivity would suffer.

Fruit and nuts are healthier snack alternatives that are excellent for your body. Additionally, you won't experience any bloating. It's also wise to consume as much water as you can. Increasing the chemical interactions in your brain requires staying hydrated.

Give yourself time to read

Give yourself some time to read things other than your task sheet or provided notes. Reading books that are not related to your field of study enables your mind to expand its knowledge base. Your ability to think will be improved, and it might also aid with your assignments.

You can learn valuable information by trying to read books critically. You will be taking a rest and stimulating your mind to learn and become efficient by doing this.

There are different ways to study. Every individual's situation is unique to them; hence you can only discover the approach that works best for you by experimenting and trying out various options.


Going through online classes can require a lot of focus and determination, and it's okay to take a breather every now and then. If you feel like exploring the vast array of online courses available, don't hesitate to reach out to our friendly student advisors at MWT Education Consultancy. They'll be more than happy to guide you towards courses that could potentially boost your career.


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