September 15, 2023

How to Deal With Rejection by a University as an International Student?

by Arunachalam

How to Deal With Rejection by a University as an International Student?

Applying to university can be exciting but receiving a rejection can be disappointing. Knowing that you haven't got into your chosen university can be devastating.  It is normal to feel upset for a day or two, as you have worked so hard on your applications. However, do not dwell on the situation and remember that it is not the end of the world!  There are steps you can take. Firstly, don't worry. A rejection doesn't have to put your life on hold. You can still succeed.  

If you are in this situation, or if you are interested in applying to university, you may find the tips in this blog useful. 

Dealing with your feelings  

It can be terrible and completely upset your world to receive a rejection letter after applying to your preferred university.  It can leave you feeling disappointed, stressed and makes you feel like your dreams have been shattered. But don’t lose hope, there are better ways to deal with this situation.  

Accept your feelings  

You don't have to suppress your feelings - it's hard to be rejected. You may feel bad or upset for a few days, which is perfectly understandable, but don't allow yourself to get stuck in those feelings.  

Don't take it personally 

Universities have a lot of requirements to check when considering applications. You don't always have to take rejection personally.  

Reach out to your support system  

There's no reason to feel alone at this time. Reach out to the people who love and support you, such as friends and family. These could possibly make you feel better. 

Create a backup plan. What do you do next? 

You can always make a plan B in case you are rejected by your favourite university.  In fact, the possibilities are endless. So don't sell yourself short or think it's the end of the world, because it's not.  

  • Look at other universities
  • Attend a local college
  • Take a gap year
  • Apply next year
  • Look at other universities

You may not have got into your first-choice university, but there are other options. Look at other universities that are still accepting applications. You may find that you like your second choice more than your first. 

Attend a local college  

Local colleges offer the same high-quality education as universities. So, keep your options open. Make sure your college is accredited and that the course you want to study is accredited. Check with the Department for Higher Education to find out how to do this.  

Take a gap year  

You can always take a gap year. This simply means that you can take a year off to do whatever you want. This could include working, travelling or volunteering. The possibilities are endless. Even a brief course could help you develop certain skills.  

Apply next year 

Simply because you weren't accepted this year doesn't mean you won't be in the next. Yes, you can always submit an application the following year.  This will give you time to retake an exam if you need to and perhaps gain some new skills. 

Don't take no for an answer - go for success 

Pursue to the very end and not giving up is the ideal thing that you should do.  You will surely taste success at the end. 

Hope this blog has helped you in facing rejection more positively.  Let us assist you in acquiring the abilities and information required for success. Get in touch with one of our experts at MWT Educational Consultancy to get things started. 


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