December 07, 2023

What Are the Most Common Health Problems Caused by a Career in Nursing That You Should Be Aware Of? 

by Arunachalam

What Are the Most Common Health Problems Caused by a Career in Nursing That You Should Be Aware Of? 

It's no secret that a career in nursing can be difficult, but it can also be emotionally and professionally rewarding. Nonetheless, it is common for nurses to make sacrifices while working in the healthcare sector. 

Issues with their health are among the most frequent problems. Although nurses devote their professions to enhancing the wellbeing of others, there are times when this compromises their own wellbeing. Because of this, nurses must be aware of the prevalent problems and take action to prioritise their own care. 

In this blog let us examine some of the typical health problems brought on by a nursing profession and discuss solutions. 

Table of Contents 

  • Mental health issues are common in nursing
  • Musculoskeletal maladies
  • Circulatory problems in nursing are ignored
  • Conclusion

The below image shows the various physical and emotional challenges faced by nurses 


1. Mental health Issues are common in nursing 

Among the most common wellness problems that nurses encounter are those related to their mental health. It is undeniably a high-pressure job because those in the industry have a big impact on the lives of patients. However, there are also typical hazardous workplace factors that contribute to, worsen, and act as a catalyst for psychological illness. For instance, a recent survey indicated that 45% of nurses were not receiving enough emotional support in their jobs since the start of COVID-19. 

Burnout, along with sadness and anxiety, is a major issue. Many doctors, nurses, and even medical students feel burnout because of the possibility of overwork, a bad work-life balance, and stress. There may be physical and psychological repercussions from this acute exhaustion. Unfortunately, mistakes can also increase the risk to patients. 

It might be difficult to prevent mental health issues and to deal with their root causes because many of them are systemic. However, nurses must constantly be conscious of their limitations, understand the need of rest, and insist on establishing boundaries wherever possible. Sincere dialogue with administrators and union representatives is probably required for this. It's a good idea to locate therapeutic mental health resources that they may use both frequently and in emergency situations. 

2. Musculoskeletal maladies 

It takes more than just mental sharpness and emotional intelligence to be a successful nurse. It could also be a physically taxing position. Nurses occasionally need to manoeuvre and engage with large or heavy machinery. Not to mention the possibility of having to shift and place patients who are rather heavy. Consequently, musculoskeletal diseases (MSDs) may arise. 

According to a U.S. Bureau of Labour Statistics research on workplace injuries, MSDs were the reason 44% of registered nurses had to miss work. Compared to other occupations, RNs had a 16% higher likelihood of having MSDs. MSDs and other injuries may be caused by work factors as well. 

For instance, the same study discovered that overexertion and body reactions were to blame for 45.6% of non-fatal injuries suffered by registered nurses, while slips, trips, and falls were to blame for 25% of those injuries. It's critical to reduce the possibility that nurses will suffer from both immediate and long-term detrimental musculoskeletal health conditions. 

Addressing the risk of MSDs in nurses could, in part, be a training issue. Facilities should provide regular instructions on handling large or heavy objects. When working at a computer to do administrative activities, nurses should be aware of their posture. However, there may be a staffing issue here as well. Administrators must make sure there are enough staff members on hand to prevent individual nurses from feeling pressured to work too hard. Porters should be available to move machinery and other large objects, as well. 

3. Circulatory problems in nursing are ignored 

Among the most underappreciated health issues that nurses frequently encounter are circulatory problems. This undoubtedly covers a wide range of ailments. It may involve serious illnesses like heart attacks. Long work hours are common among nurses, which, according to a recent study, increases stroke risk by 29%. The position's physical demands can also result in less serious but nevertheless unpleasant diseases like varicose veins. 

Because hypertension can result in strokes and other cardiovascular disorders, nurses should be aware of its causes, including maintaining a healthy weight, engaging in regular exercise, and obtaining enough sleep. Maintaining routine checks is also crucial to identifying warning symptoms as soon as possible. A nurse should also be aware of techniques for reducing stress that put less strain on the circulatory system. 

High levels of exertion and overwork also frequently exacerbate circulation disorders like varicose veins. Long durations of standing, combined with other risk factors like age and smoking, can make nurses more susceptible to developing venous insufficiency. Changes in nursing lifestyle are possible, including a balanced diet and the wearing of compression stockings during prolonged standing shifts. 


Professionals in the nursing field are frequently exposed to a variety of health concerns. In order to address issues, nurses and administrators must work together. Reduced hazardous workplace practices that put nurses at risk for mental health issues should be part of this.  

To prevent musculoskeletal problems, nursing staff must receive training and resources. Additionally, a careful attitude to work procedures helps reduce circulation problems. Even though the steps to be  taken are always not that easy, nurses deserve the opportunity to live healthy lives while providing care for others.   

If you are interested in taking up a nursing career or if you have any further concerns or queries regarding the nursing career, get in touch with us at MWT Education Consultancy. 


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